Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Cocktail Party

By now you’ve decorated and are in the holiday spirit and now you’re ready to host a holiday cocktail party. Hosting isn’t cheap, but fortunately there are several inexpensive things you can do to keep your soiree from breaking the bank. 

Candles, candles and more candles. Try mixing and matching candles in gold, silver or multicolored candleholders throughout. Go ahead and skip the fancy scented candles. They smell great for everyday but may interfere with smells from the food. You don’t need a spiced cranberry candle next to your hotwings. Strand white lights throughout for an elegant, fun look. Skip the blinking lights; you don’t want your drinking guests thinking it’s a disco!

It’s a cocktail party, not buffet. People expect to have fun and not chow down. Often times people have more than enough food and end up with loads of leftovers.  Try making most of the food yourself if time permits versus catering the party. There are loads of easy recipes out there. Also, don’t be afraid to asks friends to help out by bringing suggested items. Just ensure you have enough food in comparison to the amount of alcohol that will be consumed. 

There is no need to have a fully stocked bar, simply serve a signature holiday drink and perhaps some Schlafly Christmas Ale. Someone will more than likely bring a bottle of wine as a hostess gift so open up and pour for the wine drinkers. Don’t forget to have some soda or juices for the designated drivers!

A fun way to add entertainment is to have a holiday movie playing and mute the sound. Try my favorite movie White Christmas or the always entertaining Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.  Then play your favorite holiday music. I love to make a mixture of songs, everything from upbeat holiday tunes and Christmas carols, to songs from one of my favorite CD's Sarah Brightman's - A Winter Symphony.

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