
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Tablesetting Ideas

I previously blogged about my gorgeous new dining table and I've been so busy coming up with new  table setting ideas. 

Here are some of my favorite ideas for spring!

If you have some nice potted plants, why not use them for table decor? Mixing and matching pots would also be cute. I have a few matching blue pots with greenery that I'm going to use.  Try using shapes and sizes of pink pots or mixing pink and yellow pots.

Isn't this so pretty by simply adding one single flower? I think I'll go for a pretty pink flower. Then add a tassel like above, or use some delicate ribbon and tie a pretty bow.   

Hydrangea are one of my favorite flowers for centerpieces. It's so easy to bunch them together. By simply adding these twigs, they're perfect for a spring table.               

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