
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Feng Shui

Once I got into Interior Design I wanted to learn more about Feng Shui. In case your new to this: Feng Shui is "the study of how to arrange your environment to enhance the quality of your life" Basically every person, place and thing are connected and alive.

I have read several books on this subject and have a few basic criterion that I stick to. Using the Feng Shui principles can be difficult if you're like me and also like things to look designed and purposeful. I have in the end had to take a step back and really look into what works and what doesn't work for me and my family. Honestly though, its fairly simple. I read a story in a book once about a lady that put a bowl of popcorn on top of her toilet to bring the wood element into the certainly don't need to go this far!

Here are a few of the principles I follow:

Surround yourself with things you love. If you don't love it, get rid of it. If you must compromise, try to improve it. For example, my sofa was originally my husbands before we got married. I don't love it because the color is too dark and it makes the room look darker. I found some pillows that I absolutely love that are bright and cheerful to put on top. Not only does it look better but I'm more at peace when sitting there.

Your home does not have to look like it could be photographed for Architectural Digest. I love designing homes however I don't want to give a person a home they won't be comfortable in. Comfort and happiness is always number one. Who wants a gorgeous chair if it hurts to sit on?
If a client absolutely loves a painting on a wall that I think should be moved, I'll recommend it. If they do not like my recommendation, I look for other options such as adjusting the light on the painting, or painting the wall behind to better coordinate or even moving a small table below and add accessories that match.

Plants and Flowers are vital to my home. I can really feel a huge difference when I do not have these living things around. Weekly I purchase a small inexpensive bouquet for my home. I do this in addition to the plants located throughout. Plants should have a "friendly" appearance. Stay away from cactus or other plants that give you an uncomfortable feeling. Also, once they start to die, get rid of them. Don't spend forever trying to nurse them back to health. You know when they're done, so get rid of them and replace with new vibrant plants.

We're connected to everything around us through the flow of Ch'i. Making some small changes to your home can really pay off.

I hope you've found this interesting. I'll share some more information with you at another time.

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